Jacon (2001-2009)
Jacon was an anime convention presented by the formerly UCF-based anime club JACO. It was one of the first Orlando anime conventions. I did numerous illustrations for their events, which were used in signage, advertising in print and web, apparel, and other merchandise.

Jacon 01 Shirt
This was a back design used for the Jacon 01 t-shirt, with the theme of "At the Beach". This illustration is a polaroid of the JACO mascots having fun in the sun.

Jacon '04 Logo
The theme for Jacon '04 was "Night Life", and the Con Chair, Kenneth Nabbe was thinking 'disco' and 'clubbing' during our initial brainstorming, so I decided to style the logo for the year after that of the 1970s New York hotspot, Studio 54.

'ABBA' Badges
Continuing with the "Night Life" theme, the Con Chair also commissioned me to do illustrations for the attendee badges that were "chibi" characitures for the members of ABBA. Different badges had different members of the band, so putting them together was a fun gimmick that we added to the badges.

"Night Life" T-shirt Design
I was commissioned early on to come up with an illustration for the Jacon '04 T-shirt, combining night life elements with an anime style.

VIP Party Badge
Although the illustration I did for the shirt was not used for apparel, I was commissioned to come up with a badge for those invited to the VIP Party at the convention. I utilized my t-shirt art, and on the reverse side, I based the design off of a VIP pass that was at one time issued to VIPs of Studio 54.

Jacon 2006 Logos
The theme for Jacon 2006 was "Light and Dark", so when I was commissioned for this logo, I decided to use a yin-yang element with a more European fantasy realization. This design was not only used for signage and apparel, but also for a comemmorative coin that was given to pre-registered attendees as a premium.

Limbo Promo Graphic
In addition to doing art for this convention, I also DJed under the monochre of "Operator 7G" for a dark yet ethereal downtempo event aimed at a more mature demographic. This was the graphic that I designed for the event, for both web and print promotion.

Jacon 2007 Logo
The theme for the convention that year was "Retro", so I opted for the space-age elements of rockets, stars, and skylarks.

Jacon 2008 Logo
This one's theme was "Space Cowboy", so I went a bit literal, creating a robot character reminiscent of Astro-Boy, riding a bucking rocket engine.

Jacon 10 Logo
For the last Jacon, the Con Chair wanted things to have an epic go-out-with-a-bang feel. One of the guests was Stan Bush, who sang the iconic songs "The Touch" and "Dare" in Transformers: The Movie back in the 80s, so the Con Chair asked for an epic rock feel in reagrds to this logo, so I researched various 80s rock band logos, and this is what I came up with; something inspired by those logos without being a straight copy of the ones I saw.